Simple Joys of Knitting No. 3

Sketch titled "Simple Joys of Knitting No. 3," featuring a drawing of two hands executing a tubular bind off with two knitting needles and one sewing needle, followed by the caption "Taking time to do tubular bind off knowing it's worth the effort."

Recently at my knit night everyone was admiring a finished sweater we’d been watching the wearer work on for months, and it prompted a discussion of how much we love tubular (or sewn) bind off for sweaters with ribbed edges even though it takes extra time — the results are just that good. If you’ve always thought it seemed intimidating, give it a try on a sleeve cuff, it really is worth it.

An excellent tutorial on tubular bind off (including extra instructions on how to manage 2x2 ribbing) can be found on Ysolda Teague’s blog.


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